+65 9657 4198 / +65 9693 5885 jameelabee65@yahoo.com

Our Services

To serve with pride and dedication, A 24-hrs service to the community.

A) Hospital / Home Service Package > $1485 Complete services includes:

* Hospital to home service, please add $120

  1. A Hearse Van with driver to collect deceased from Home to cemetery.
  2. A Certified staff will bring all items required to perform thorough bath, dressing & Body Wrap for the deceased.
  3. The same staff will also perform religious rites / prayers & recitation of creed for the deceased.
  4. A Bus Transport for family members / relative & friends to witness the prayers, recitation of creed & burial of the deceased. (Capacity 50 people).
  5. Both transports will be arranged to bring the deceased & family members to the *mosque (*if requested) for prayers before proceeding to cemetery.
  6. Wooden plank casing & headstone (kayu nisan) for burial.

  1. Ceramic name signboard for deceased.
  2. Drinks for family.
  3. Temporary grass carpet.

Note : Registration for burial which is $315 for Adult & $140 for Child using Nets or Cash Card (requirement by ENV) at the Muslim Cemetery Registration Office, is not inclusive of above package.

B) Overseas Service Package (International Import & Export)

Complete services with embalming and coffin for export. We also collect from overseas. Prices are based on case to case basis as Airfreight charges vary depending on Destination and Body Weight.

C) Grave Monument Construction (Carpet Grass / Ceramic / Marble)

  • Khidmat:
  • Nasihat berhubung dengan kematian (sebelum atau sesudah kematian)
  • Menyediakan doctor jika perlu
  • Menyediakan pengurus jenazah (tukang mandi) lelaki / perempuan yang bertauliah
  • Mengambil dan menghantar jenazah dari hospital ke rumah dan ke pusara
  • Van jenazah dan bas iringan ke pusara
  • Penjagaan kubur, menanam rumput dan papan tanda nama arwah
  • Perkhidmatan secara berpakej dan tidak berpakej

24/7 Excellent Service Support

Satisfaction Guaranteed

For Enquiry, Call us today

Hj Salleh: +65 9657 4198

Hjh Jameela: +65 9693 5885
